My Beautiful Family

My Beautiful Family

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Communication Is Key

     Communication? Why so important? Why do I say key? I feel that communication is the one way we are able to express ourselves as individuals to another person. In marriage I feel that communication is vital to a healthy and happy relationship. But it starts before marriage of course. Communication isn't just talking. It involves body language, tone of voice and of course the talking between individuals.
     There are many ways communication can help us in our lives. In my own marriage this happens at times. I'm not perfect and even I misread signs or body language my wife shows. Most times though if I look at her I can tell when she isn't happy or doesn't agree with something I may have just said. I can even ask her "is everything ok?" to which she may respond "everything is fine" I know at certain times it is true and others I have to dig deeper to find the problem.
     This can be important in relationships because if I understand my wife's communication ques that she gives off I am able to better understand what I can do to improve. Also it gets the real problem out in the open so things can be corrected or better understood between us. If I just simply ignored her and was fine with the answer that everything is fine I may find a problem out later that could have been solved. Now don't get the wrong idea I love my wife and we are happily married and in most circumstances things really are fine.
This bring me to the other thing I said about it being the key. I feel it is a key in a marriage because like I mentioned earlier it can help us solve any marital disagreements we may come across. Healthy communication can even help us problem solve. Some communication is unhelpful such as yelling or name calling or anything that causes us to be rude to our spouse even if we think they deserve it. I have had this as a philosophy that communication is key. It was one of the things I looked for in a woman. Can I communicate with her? or Can we problem solve well in a disagreement? These two took sometime to figure out. It wasn't until we were engaged and had many small disagreements about things that I knew we could work things out. Most of the issues we face in our lives gets solved fairly quickly. This is because we both take the time to communicate and be open so that we understand each other better.
I invite everyone to try healthy communication. Work out the arguments in a friendly way and talk about them. Try and understand the other person. I know it will be more effective than the yelling.

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