My Beautiful Family

My Beautiful Family

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Being a Provider

     In "The Family: Proclamation to The World" we see that husbands are to provide. What does it mean to provide? This is something I have thought about recently.
     Being young and married now a little over a year my wife and I are at a spot where this current semester she is busy with school and doesn't have the time to work like she has in the past. This semester I am working two jobs to make sure that we can pay bills and such.
     Why do I tell this to you? I tell you this because when we here the word provide I think sometimes we get caught up in that a husband just goes to work and makes the money to buy things his family needs or maybe even wants. While this may fall under a husbands responsibility in a sense going off the proclamation that doesn't mean he only provides in that way. That is what I have been think of recently. So how else does a husband provide for his family?
      He can provide in being there for his children during a time when they have a big homework assignment, He can help them understand certain values of importance such as hard work and honesty. While a mother may do some of these things as well a provider is someone who provides. Providing is preparing in a sense for his children to be successful husbands and wives as well as good people. A father is there in the important times for his children. He is also there for his wife. He helps and supports her and provides for her happiness as well as for being his wife's best friend.
     I may not be a father but at least I have the ability to provide financially for my wife and myself. It is a great responsibility and while I have provided for her in other ways this is a way that I can provide for her so that she can focus on her last few semesters.
     That is a part of family is changing and making it so that you can be there for them. In today's world whoever we see as the provider seems to also in some families be a workaholic and not seeing his family. While that man may be providing financially he also is missing an opportunity to provide for the well being and development of his children. We all have things we have to do and sometimes we do have to work more just to make it so we can provide for our families. Those people that do have to work to make ends meet do set an example for their families. Not every family can have the ideal providing situation to be home a lot for family but when we make it a priority to be with family I know that things will work out.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your point of view regarding being a provider as the patriarch of your family. I too, feel that being that provider is much more than simply working to provide the temporal necessities of life. I very much appreciate the emotional support my dear husband affords me.
