My Beautiful Family

My Beautiful Family

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Family Culture

  Family Culture. When you hear that what comes to mind? I feel that for many of us we think first of family tradition. This could be things such as we put our Christmas tree up after thanksgiving dinner or we bake cookies for our neighbors to give out around Christmas. While tradition is good and can shape aspects of culture it may not necessarily be culture. We may even say in America, do I have a culture? It is apparent that other countries have a culture such as China, Japan, Mexico and other cultures we are familiar with. Why is it apparent to us? Its because the we view it as different than what we do or as traditional.

     Culture actually can be quite simple and yet so complex. It is as simple as our beliefs and values. Culture can be that of hard work, respect for others, charity, and etc. Culture is more than just celebrating certain holidays or doing things differently. Such a simple word means so much. I would pose to my readers, do you feel all cultures are equally valid? What are your thoughts and impressions. I want to  hear from you and maybe even answer some questions to the best of my abilities. Do you, think all cultures are equally valid? If so, why? If not, why do you feel that way?

1 comment:

  1. I love studying different cultures, and I loved teaching my children about them. I couldn't wait to take them to the next local cultural event. I think we can learn things from every culture, and indeed from everyone we meet. The light of Christ is in all. Having said that, there are certain cultures that have traditions that are not conducive to the Spirit. Cultural traditions that are not conducive to the Spirit are not things which we want to adopt into our own culture. Indeed, modern-day prophets have warned us to put away some of our cultural traditions that are not in line with gospel teachings. I'm not sure that exactly answers your questions, but that's the best I can do.
