My Beautiful Family

My Beautiful Family

Monday, November 16, 2015

Family Crisis

     This last week in my class we were talking about family crisis and the family under stress. We had a good example of how a crisis can be an opportunity as well as dangerous. In life we are faced with many crisis or difficult situations in our families. These come across in ways such as a loss of a child, death of a loved one, hardships that come on the family. All of these can either strengthen a family or cause the family to be destroyed in some way.
      Some of these situations can be easier if we rely on our faith in whatever religion it is. Being LDS I know what is called the plan of Salvation and that through the temple families can be together forever. Now that doesn't mean the pain goes away. I had a recent experience in my own life that has been hard. At times I have been distant from my sister and it wasn't until his death that we have talked a little more. This may be because I just lost him this month. In this situation that has become difficult I have found more connection in the last little bit with her. Even though I know this plan my father was not a member of the LDS church. But what I feel is that he will accept the gospel. Knowing this can bring me peace in my life. It still doesn't take away a loss of a loved one but coping can make it easier.
      What I am trying to get at is in these crisis's we have we must have some type of plan. Now don't plan every trial but realize when hard things come what will you do? Will you get upset with a spouse or loved one? Will you blame yourself for the things that happened? What will you do when the hard times come. One thing I will do is always turn to the Lord and then to my wife for the support I need. She will be my greatest strength in the trials we face together. If I trust in the Lord I can be comforted in the trials I face. I will not turn from the people I love but turn toward the people that I love.

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