My Beautiful Family

My Beautiful Family

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Introduction of Nathan Blumenberg

      Hi Everyone,

     To those reading I have pondered for awhile about actually getting into blogging. As times are changing and as time has gone by since I have been married I have thought about doing this. In today's world there is a lot of debate on marriage and family and what that consists of in the views of the world. Many of the places that I will pull information for blogs that I write will come from articles on marriage and family. These will come from various sources such as from and other articles I come across in my study of marriage and family. I have chosen as my major for a Bachelors degree Marriage and Family Studies at BYU-Idaho. My interest in writing this blog is to share my beliefs and views on what marriage and family means to me. That means I will pull from various sources and quotes. That doesn't mean that my opinions will reflect various organizations views but that I find those things to be true in my life and marriage. Enough though about disclaimers and beliefs of other organizations. A little about me. My wife and I met in an interesting way through online dating but more specifically through an app called Tinder. Though it worked for us it is not something I would recommend to others. I have heard many things bad about it such as a place to find sex, NCMO's(Non committal make outs) and other things that are not consistent with finding a healthy relationship or marriage. This was a new app that came to Rexburg and at first was nothing but harmless but with time things find a way to become more corrupt. It seems to be the trend of society to take something good and use it for all different types of purposes. Moving back to my meeting my wife. We  went on several dates and after a couple months we were engaged and then last December on the 27th day in 2014 we were married in the Sacramento LDS temple.

Since that day I have reflected on the joy and happiness that day. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and as members of the Church we believe we can be sealed to our spouse for time and all eternity. This belief brings both myself and my wife great joy knowing we can be together forever. It is a goal as members of the Church to prepare and live worthily to enter these sacred temples for that blessing. If we continue to live worthily we believe we can live with God again as Eternal Families. I am so happy to be married to my wife and that her and I value are marriage. Not everyday will be easy I have found in the short time we have been married but it is worth it everyday being married to her. My joy and excitement and wanting to help others has been my motivation to write a blog and share my views and insights. I hope you will enjoy the things I have to write about and that it can bring insights into your own lives. 

-Nathan Blumenberg

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